“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” --Henry Ford

Are You: Sick? Tired? Broke?

or Just Sick and Tired of Being Broke?

Hello! My name is Jon Hall. I created this web site to offer resources and solutions for some of my interests and experience. I used to work in Information Technology (IT) from tech support to programming and later, as a database administrator. I thought life was great at the time. I had a good job which paid well. I had finally paid off my car loan and was even able to put a little money in savings. Then the economy started to slump, but life was still good or so it seemed. See, what I didn't know was, the company I was working for was struggling financially. I soon found out however when one of the top executives came into my office and told me that the company was bankrupt and they could not make payroll anymore. I felt like he had just punched me in the stomach. All the people on my floor, including myself, were not getting paid for the last two weeks we had worked. I knew that this was going to be hard on some because they were living paycheck to paycheck. I was correct as I saw many of them struggle to support themselves and provide for their family. Unfortunately, I was not able to do anything to help at that time. What savings I had would soon be used up. I needed a solution.

"I knew some sick people, but I knew more broke people." - D. B.

What does my story have to do with the questions posed in the title? That is easy. I was Sick and Tired of Being Broke and I found a solution. I want to let you know right now that I am not selling anything. I am only sharing information. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. If you are not ready to change your life then I suggest you read some other article. But, if you are sick, tired, broke, or just sick and tired of being broke then keep reading. The information I share with you can literally change your life forever. I know it has changed my life for the better and I am so happy and grateful for it. I know it can help you.